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Workshops & Courses


"The wound is the place where the light enters you." Rumi


Psychological Coaching

Sometimes I offer workshops for self-development, and wellbeing. It can be really nourishing to accelerate your self-awareness and personal power with others passionate about their growth. 

Sound & Visualisation

I've been leading guided meditation and sound healing workshops for over ten years. Based around the Jungian framework of the "inner journey", it's a chance to connect with your deeper Self, relax, restore and learn from your creative unconscious.

The Doorway to Positive Transformation

The two types of workshops cover both the left and right brain hemispheres. If it's more analysis and cognitive development that you are looking for, then the Psychological Coaching workshops will provide this. Some of the past workshops of this nature have been as follows, "The Dark Night of the Soul", "You Can Do It - Setting Your Smart Goals", "Inner Critic / Inner Child - How to Sustain Self-Love", and "ME/CFS, Fibro & POTS - Insights to Healing".  These sessions help to teach you more about yourself and give you strategies and tools, specific to the subject matter. 


The Sound and Visualisation evenings move away from thinking and enter a feeling, visual state. They always begin with some sharing from the group and a deep guided visualisation, more sharing, and then a sound journey. The sounds that are used to create a sound bath are from a collection of instruments, such as the steel drum, chakra crystal singing bowls, kalimba, solfeggio pipes, shamanic drum and gong. 


Workshops in person are currently on hold.


However I have an exciting and complete psychology based empowerment course for women only, running now, which you can take from the comfort of your home. To find out more about this dynamic-based, online challenge course, which helps you take your personal development journey to the next level click below.  

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Please be aware that I cannot provide an emergency service for clients.  If you found yourself in a major crisis and were considering serious self-harm it would be vital to get help immediately.  This could include your GP or nearest Accident and Emergency service (A&E).

If you are feeling really down and need to speak to someone straight away, please call the Samaritans who operate a service 24 hours a day, for people who want to talk in confidence.  Call 116 123 or email

For quality Psychotherapy and counselling online


or call: 07532 753855

Calm Cabin - Shoeburyness, Essex, SS3 9HY, UK


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